JustCouponCodes.com FAQ

Q: How will I receive the coupon code(s)?
A: You'll receive an automatic email at your PayPal email address soon after payment.

Q: Do I need a PayPal account to receive the code(s)?
A: No. You would have to submit payment through PayPal, but you don't need to have a PayPal account, just a valid credit card. PayPal will give you the option of creating an account when you submit payment, but it's not required.

Q: When will I receive the code(s)?
A: You'll get an immediate automated email, usually within a few minutes of payment. If your PayPal payment is funded by an eCheck from your bank, it takes a few days to clear, but otherwise it should clear within minutes. If PayPal is running slowly, it could take up to an hour.

Q: Where are the codes I bought?
A: Please wait an hour for the email to go through. Make sure you can read email at your PayPal email address. Look for an email from coupons@JustCouponCodes.com -- it may be in your Junk/Spam folder. If you still don't see it, email us at coupons@JustCouponCodes.com.

If you have any other questions, please email us.

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